Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring is Here

WOW its is March Already!! With a tempreture of 83 yesterday, it won't be long before this blazing Texas heat takes over.

So update on pretty much life in general..I am looking for another for another job ASAP...I am not remotely happy in what I do and the stress level on top of non appreiation with a side of not good pay is really getting to me..and everyone else. I've set a goal to have new employement by my birthday (APRIL) so hammering out online applications has been my life this past month. 

Also I'll be updating on the supplements I've been taking as well. I have noticed chang since starting these in November and here it is March and I'm trailing the end of a 2WW.. I figure that Febuary would be a tricky month since the infamous 28days would throw a hitch in Aunt Flo..and it I assume it did...since I'm 1 day later than usaual..but we are dealing with PCOS and a shorter month so there is no telling at this point

 I'll give it a few more days before I decide to go get PT.  

Unitl next time :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Well it's time to get things in motion with another entry, so since I spend more than enough time on this magical place called "Pintrest" I figure I will add some photos and some things I have tired that actually work so here goes....

DIY Caramel Creamer

I looove coffee... Starbucks to be exact...but since there is a constant struggle to buy gas or buy gas...Starbucks takes a backseat most of the time, but my Folgers does get the job done.. So since I hate power creamers and the super awesome caramel creamer cups are almost as much as a Viente -caramel-ooweey-goodneess I knew there had to be an cheap DIY alternative...

(evaporated milk not in photo) 

  • Sweetened condensed milk $1.50-2.00(depending on size and store)
  • caramel candy $2.00-$3.00  (at least 40-50 pieces)
  • vanilla (varies on brand)
  • milk or evaporated milk $1.00-$1.75(depending on size and store)

Melt the caramels with a little milk or evaporated milk(1/4 cup)
I typically use 10-15 pieces of caramel..Low-Med heat is best..yes it does take a while but it takes longer getting the burnt caramel smell out of the house.
Yummy Caramel

Once the caramel is melted I pour my sweetened condensed milk, remaining evaporated milk and caramel mixture into my container and shake, shake, shake shake..and whaa-laa!!! 


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Hello..Well this whole blog entry every week is going get better :) I probably shouldn't have started this in the mix of all of the holidays but I digress.

So Happy New Year to ALL. Well I'm jumping into this new year full speed. I hope to accomplish so much this year. 

1st: GET Pregnant....it's always "1st" in my head but whenever it happens will be great..So with that being said I have begun to dive into my body more than ever, I have being doing tons of research on natural supplements for PCOS and TTC naturally. I will update my full PCOS story in another entry.  Long story short I was diagnosed in Nov 2011 and began treatment (Metformin & Clomid) the following April. I did not like how my body was responding.... So we decided to bring things to halt. a lot had happened with the unexpected passing of his father in May and work consuming every aspect of our lives that we were too stressed to even think about the fertility treatments.  After doing research and reading on message boards I noticed that tons of women were taking metformin MONTHS before being introduced to Clomid..I was given both at the same time....needless to say I didn't get pregnant.  So for the past 3 months I have been taking supplements in hopes of "re-setting" my body to function properly. I will update a post with the supplements,dosage  and reasons that I am currently taking. 

2nd. RELOCATE-- Only 5 months left on the lease of our apartment!!! Yaaaaay.. We are finally able to relocate closer to EVERYONE we love. 

3rd. Working towards branding myself as a makeup artist...

And plenty more.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Becoming America's Next Top Housewife

It's 2 days before Christmas, the tree is glowing, various holiday cards and photo greetings are placed in every corner of our apartment & it's 72 degrees outside(we live in Texas, so  that should sum it all up)  

Then that nagging urge in my head to write a blog of all this "stuff" about life, love, coping with PCOS, how to make these cute crafty things has finally won me over. Why procrastinate any longer? 

So here goes... 

Initially I had thoughts of doing a blog just dedicated to coping with PCOS, the emotions,the symptoms  medications/treatment and natural remedies. However I don't want to "define" myself with this condition, its just one of the many layers that I have.  So "Becoming America's Next Top Housewife" is where I will blog on everything, crafts,food,TTC ,makeup,love and anything that tickles my fancy. 

The name Becoming America's Next Top Housewife is merely an intense competition between me and my wonderful soul-mate.  I have dreams that I'm going to quit my job and become a stay at home wife and mother, yet he has the same dream..for him being a stay at home dad. 

So like any competition it's a fierce battle to the top!!

Questions, topics,advice email me : BecomingANTHW (at)  gmail (dot) com